When and where will the Medicine 2021 digital conference take place?
Medicine 2021, the virtual meeting of medical minds, will continue to take place on 7–8 January 2021 on the rcpmedicine.co.uk website.

How can I register?
Details of how to register and fees can be found by clicking "Book now" at the top of the page. If you are interested in booking a digital sponsorship package, please visit here.

How can I pay my registration fee?
Online booking is subject to successful card payment. We are unable to issue invoices to individuals or trusts for this event.

Is there a single day rate for the digital conference?
No, we will not be offering single-day rates. The registration fee covers your attendance to both days of Medicine 2021 on 7–8 January 2021

My original booking for Medicine 2020 on 23–24 April at the ICC Birmingham was automatically transferred to the new dates of 7–8 January 2021 – am I still registered for the digital event?
Yes! All delegate bookings will be automatically transferred to the digital event. You will be eligible for a 50% refund on the fees paid at the time of booking and a full refund on any dinner tickets purchased. All refunds will be made via your original payment method. You will be sent a revised booking confirmation – please contact us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk if you have not received this by 7 November 2020. Joining instructions will be sent out no later than 17 December 2020.

I originally registered for Medicine 2020, 23–24 April at the ICC Birmingham, and cancelled my place, can I register for the digital event?
Of course, we appreciate that planning is somewhat challenging in the current climate. We would be delighted to welcome you to the digital event, and you are welcome to start a new booking here by clicking "Book here" at the top of the page.

What if I can’t make the new date?
No problem! A benefit of going virtual with Medicine 2021 is that all the presentations will be available on demand for 30 days after the event. Barring the live elements, the on-demand experience will allow you not only to make the most of your Medicine 2021 learning, but also review the content at your leisure and still earn 15 CPD credits.
If you would still prefer a refund, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk to request a full refund in writing. Please note that we are unable to process refunds within 14 days of the event. All refunds will be made via the original payment method.
No refunds will be offered for booking cancellations (or part thereof) made within 14 working days of Medicine 2021. Substitutions are not possible.
Read the full terms and conditions here.

If my circumstances change, will I be able to cancel at a later date?
We understand that circumstances can change, so you can cancel your place and receive a full refund anytime up to 14 days before the event. All refunds will be made via the original payment method.

Can I make a claim for the refund of my travel and accommodation costs?
As outlined in our booking conditions, we are unable to offer compensation for travel and/or accommodation costs that have already been incurred, or any administration charges relating to cancellation of travel tickets or accommodation.

Can’t find the answer to your query here?
If you can’t find the answer to your query in these FAQs please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk. We aim to respond to your email within 3 working days. We will respond to emails in the order in which they are received.

When and where will the Medicine 2021 digital conference take place?
Medicine 2021, the virtual meeting of medical minds, will continue to take place on 7–8 January 2021 on the rcpmedicine.co.uk website.

I have agreed to speak at Medicine 2021 – how can I talk to someone about my session?
We will be in be touch with you personally about your participation. If you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2021 speaker manager, Caroline Ashmore, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

What if I can’t make the new date?
We understand how busy our speakers are and endeavour to facilitate as many needs as possible. We will be in be touch with you personally about how we can manage any changes in timing or availability.
If you have any questions about this or you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2021 speaker manager, Caroline Ashmore, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

Will the costs of my prearranged travel still be reimbursed?
We ask that you first contact your travel provider to confirm whether a refund or transfer of ticket is available. If this is not possible, we will honour our commitment to reimburse invited speaker travel costs up to the amount stated in our original invitation.
If you have any questions about this or you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2021 speaker manager, Caroline Ashmore, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

Can’t find the answer to your query here?
If you can’t find the answer to your query in these FAQs please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk. We aim to respond to your email within 3 working days. We will respond to emails in the order in which they are received.

When and where will the Medicine 2021 digital conference take place?
Medicine 2021, the virtual meeting of medical minds, will continue to take place on 7–8 January 2021 on the rcpmedicine.co.uk website.

Will there be a digital sponsorship offering?
Yes, this 2-day virtual conference offers your organisation the opportunity to support physicians in their continued professional development and deliver the best possible care for patients.
As a supporter of the 6th annual Medicine conference your organisation will have access to enhanced visibility and reach as we move to offer global access to our sessions and on-demand content access to the meeting sessions and resources for 30 days after the event.

How can my organisation get involved?
Medicine 2021: the virtual meeting of medical minds, is the must-attend digital event for physicians. Attendees will benefit from a high-quality programme made up of national key opinion leaders in clinical and policy issues. We will offer 16 CPD points over 2 full days of interactive learning comprised of keynote lectures, digital-lab training opportunities, networking workshops, an abstract showcase with a late-breaking COVID-19 specific stream and a digital exhibition dedicated to offering access to recruitment, training and enhanced learning opportunities.

The event will be promoted to our 38,000 members, our specialty community and through our social media channels – Twitter (60,000 followers), LinkedIn (21,000 followers), Instagram (1,700) and Facebook (45,000 followers). Additionally, the programme, including sponsor listings, will be available on the main RCP website ( X+ monthly visitors). Align your organisation with the RCP’s work and support the training of our workforce through the options available – please click  for up-to-date availability and pricing

My organisation has booked an exhibition stand at Medicine 2021 – what are my options?
We will be in be touch with you personally about how we can translate your physical stand booking to our virtual exhibition hall.
If you have any questions about this or you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2021 sponsorship manager Lucy Murphy, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

My organisation was supporting Medicine 2021 through a sponsored workshop or activity – how can this be delivered online?
We will be in be touch with you personally about how we can translate your participation to our online programme of events.
If you have any questions about this or you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2021 sponsorship manager Lucy Murphy, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

My organisation confirmed a stand or sponsorship for Medicine 2020 has the booking be automatically transferred to the new date?
In line with the booking terms and conditions – where we can provide a new date, your booking will be automatically transferred over in its entirety and shall be binding on all parties.
However, on this occasion, refunds will be available to sponsors / exhibitors who are unable to attend the rescheduled conference date in its digital form. Refunds will not be processed automatically, and requests should be made in writing to medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.
If you have any questions about this or you have not already been contacted by the Medicine 2020 sponsorship manager Lucy Murphy, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

Can my organisation cancel our booking altogether?
Yes, any cancellation by the exhibitor / sponsor must be made in writing to the organiser. Please email medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk.

Will the costs of sponsor / exhibitor company staff’s prearranged travel and accommodation be reimbursed?
In the event of postponement or cancellation of the exhibition for any cause not within the control of the organiser, the organiser shall not be liable to the exhibitor in respect of any actions claims costs or expenses including claims for consequential losses.

Can’t find the answer to your query here?
If you can’t find the answer to your query in these FAQs please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk. We aim to respond to your email 3 working days. We will respond to emails in the order in which they are received.

I’ve submitted an abstract and it was accepted to be presented at Medicine 2021. Will there still be a showcase?
We are delighted to announce that Medicine 2021 will host a virtual poster and abstract showcase as part of the dedicated digital event space. Comprising both the successful Medicine 2020 published abstracts and the late-breaking COVID-19 specific submissions – we will offer an e-poster and presentation gallery for perusal and consideration at your leisure. Submissions will be showcased in the following themes:

  • Clinical
  • COVID-19
  • Education, training and medical professionalism
  • Health services and policy
  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Research and innovation
In addition to publication in one of the RCP’s journals, all accepted abstracts will be presented as an e-poster with the opportunity to provide a supplementary 3-minute PowerPoint presentation at the digital event.
For more information, including instructions and requirements for the e-poster and PowerPoint presentation, click here.

Who will be included in the Medicine 2021 virtual poster and abstract showcase?
The Medicine 2020 abstract finalists and late-breaking COVID-19 authors with a fully paid registration for the digital event. If you are unclear as to the status of your booking then please contact the team directly at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk

I submitted a late-breaking abstract – when will I find out if my work will be shared at Medicine 2021?
Thank you for taking the time to submit your COVID-19 research. You will be notified by email by the 19 October as to the outcome of your submission. If you are successful you will be given details of how to submit your work electronically and all associate deadlines.

Can I still submit an abstract for inclusion in the virtual poster and abstract showcase?
Submissions are now closed for the late-breaking abstract competition.
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/RCPLondon to find out about similar opportunities at other RCP conferences and for alerts as to when submissions will open for future Medicine events.

My abstract was accepted for Medicine 2020 - will my abstract still be accepted to present digitally at the rescheduled conference dates?
Absolutely. If you did not cancel your place, all delegate bookings and accepted abstracts were automatically transferred to the rescheduled conference date of 7–8 January 2021.
The final Medicine 2020 abstracts selected by the judges for presentation and publication can be found here.
As a finalist you are eligible to submit your work as an e-poster with an optional supplementary PowerPoint presentation for inclusion in the virtual poster and abstract showcase.

How will my work be showcased at the event and how do I submit?
Successful abstract presenters who are registered to attend the conference are eligible to submit their work as an e-poster with an optional supplementary PowerPoint presentation for inclusion in the virtual poster and abstract showcase.

E-poster submission
An e-poster is an electronic version of the poster you were going to have printed for display at Medicine 2020. We ask that you submit a single-page pdf file showcasing your published abstract. You are welcome to include images you have the correct permissions to share and any colours, charts and logos added as necessary (no animations or videos). We advise using between 8–10 font size for consistency and viewing ease on screens.

ACTION: Clearly stating the abstract ID and presenting author’s name in the subject title, please send your single page pdf or PowerPoint slide to medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk
DEADLINE: 30 November 2020

Optional supplementary PowerPoint presentation
We’d like to offer you the opportunity to personally discuss and present your findings to the delegation and so we invite you to submit a 3–5 minute PowerPoint presentation including MP4 videos for inclusion with your e-poster. You will be contacted by email with the template. This activity is entirely optional and non-submission will have no bearing on your e-poster being showcased or your eligibility for prizes.

ACTION: Download the template here and send it to medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk
DEADLINE: 30 November 2020

My abstract was accepted and published for Medicine 2020 – where can I find it?
We were pleased to receive over 150 abstract submissions to be considered for presentation at Medicine 2020, all of which were of very high quality. The first round of abstracts approved to be presented as posters at the RCP annual conference has been published in a booklet on the Medicine 2021 website and can be found here.

What if I can’t make the new date?
We’re sorry you’re unable to make the new date. Is there an additional author who could register and present the work at Medicine 2021? Please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk to discuss how we can assist your team in presenting your work.
If there are no alternatives and you would like to proceed with cancelling your place and abstract presentation, please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk to request your full refund. Please note that we are unable to process refunds within 14 days of the event. All refunds will be made via the original payment method. Please note that if you request a refund, then you are cancelling your place; and with no alternative author to present, you will lose your presentation access.

Will I be able to amend my accepted abstract?
You will no longer be able to amend abstracts submitted in 2019 as they have been published.

Can’t find the answer to your query here?
If you can’t find the answer to your query in these FAQs please email us at medicine@rcplondon.ac.uk. We aim to respond to your email within 3 working days. We will respond to emails in the order in which they are received.

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